Thomas Moore’s Version of the Lord’s Prayer

Our father the sky and our mother the earth,

may your names always be held sacred.
May your realm of love and grace be ours to live,
and may we accomplish your vision of a wonderful world.
may we do this here on earth as we know it to be in the otherworld.
Give us the food we need every day
and forgive us for all the shadow in our lives,
just as we try to forgive those who offend us and hurt us.
Keep us away from the lures of a distracting world
and save us from unconsciousness and evil.


The Lord’s prayer, a version by Thomas Moore

Thomas Moore

Thomas Moore is the author of Care of the Soul, a bestseller on the New York Times list for almost a year. Since then he has written thirty books on soul, spirituality, and depth psychology and has traveled the world teaching and speaking, recently in Rome, Brazil, Argentina, Romania, Malta, Russia, Serbia, the United States, and Canada. In those years he has also been a psychotherapist influenced mainly by C. G. Jung and James Hillman, his close friend for four decades. Thomas’s most recent book is Soul Therapy. He is also a musician and a father and husband in a remarkably creative family that includes artist Joan Hanley, musician Siobhán Moore, and architect Abraham Bendheim.


The Soul of Christmas


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