Short Bio
Thomas Moore published his classic Care of the Soul in 1992 and has since written twenty books on spirituality, sexuality, myth, religion and depth psychology. His books have been translated into thirty languages. He has taught religious studies and psychology and has been a psychotherapist for over 30 years. He often speaks at C. G. Jung societies and has done special work consulting at major medical centers with the idea of bringing soul to medicine. He was a close friend and collaborator with James Hillman and published an anthology of Hillman’s work with extensive introductions and commentaries. He writes fiction and music and has a special relationship with Ireland, the home of his ancestors. He lives in New England. His wife is Hari Kirin Khalsa, an accomplished painter and yoga trainer. His daughter Ajeet is a popular singer of spiritual music, and his stepson Abe is an architect. His son-in-law Nirmal is a media designer and business consultant.
Care of the Soul (and the topics of all of Thomas Moore’s individual books)
The Soul of Medicine
Psychotherapy as Care of the Soul
Personal, Soul-Based Spirituality
The Soul of the Gospels
Art, Dream and Archetype
A Soulful Life in a Soulful World
Soul Power: Vulnerability and Strength in All Relationships
A Magical Life: Deep Intuition and Other Powers
An Erotic, Epicurean Way of Life or The Soul in Sexuality
Prior Venues
New England Educational Institute
Kripalu Yoga Center
Omega Institute
New York Open Center
Alternatives (St. James, Piccadilly, London)
Mayo Clinic (Minnesota)
McGill University Medical School
University of Tennessee Medical Center
St. John the Divine Cathedral (New York)
Grace Cathedral (San Francisco)
Unity (Kansas City)
Stillpoint (Pasadena, CA)
University of Toronto
University of Iowa
Elon University
Harvard University

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