“Care of the soul goes beyond the secular mythology of the self and recovers a sense of the sacredness and endless depth of each human life.”
About thomas Moore
Thomas Moore is the author of Care of the Soul, a bestseller on the New York Times list for almost a year. Since then he has written thirty books on matters of soul and spirit. He lectures in many parts of the world, recently online in Rome, Brazil, Argentina, Romania, Malta, Russia, Serbia, the United States, and Canada. In those years he has also been a psychotherapist influenced mainly by C. G. Jung and James Hillman, his close friend for four decades. He has won many awards, including an honorary doctorate from Lesley University and the 2003 Humanitarian Award from Einstein Medical School. He has been an archetypal analyst and an unaffiliated theologian. Thomas’s most recent book is The Eloquence of Silence. He is also a musician and a father and husband in a remarkably creative family that includes artist Joan Hanley, musician Siobhán Moore (aka Ajeet, shown here), and architect Abraham Bendheim.
the new book
With compassion and insight, Thomas Moore offers a compelling case for an easier, lighter way of moving through life by experiencing the peace, calm, and openness of emptiness. Through ancient and modern stories, Thomas gently shows that our constant multitasking may not be getting us anywhere, and that emptiness is not a lack but an invitation that can be our greatest teacher. A daily awareness and appreciation of the quiet spaciousness in our world and our own lives is not a retreat from reality but a rich and full welcome to all that is most meaningful and real.
“This precious book is an extraordinary journey into silence and emptiness, one that touches all aspects of life and is revelatory.”
—Rev. Joan Jiko Halifax, abbot at Upaya Zen Center and author of Standing at the Edge
Study with Thomas
Soul Psychology is an intensive study of Thomas’s books and their sources. The courses are based on Archetypal Psychology, Jungian Psychology, Greek mythology, the world’s spiritual traditions, and the arts. This online course is both a study of ideas and a way of dealing with personal issues. The six-week course includes six live online sessions with Thomas Moore, a closed online group for questions and discussion, weekly readings, and suggestions for practice.
Soul Psychology: An Online Series of Courses
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